(U.K.) Decoherence-System I (2021)

Country: United Kingdom
Genre: Black Metal, Sludge, Industrial
Label: Sentient Ruin Laboratories
Tracks: 8
Length: 42.30'

Decoherence is a one person band from the United Kingdom who began performing under the moniker Decoherence in 2018, from the looks of things.  Decoherence play an ugly, harsh, and abrasive style of music that incorporates elements of black metal, sludge, and industrial within their sound.  Musically, Decoherence can be loosely compared to bands such as Statiqbloom, the industrial side of later Fange, Body Void, Godflesh, Crowhurst, Author And Punisher, and other like-minded bands.  Since forming in 2018, Decoherence have released a digital single titled Embedded Observer in April of 2019, a two song EP titled I in May of 2019, a a three song EP titled Collapsar in June of 2019, a five song LP titled Ekpyrosis in November of 2019, a split LP with  Albionic Hermetecism in April of 2020, a digital single titled Dichotomic Observables in June of 2020, a four song EP titled Formulation And Solution in June of 2020, a two song EP titled Nucleosynthesis in June of 2020, and a six song LP titled Unitarity in August of 2020.  System I is the band's latest full-length LP, which was released via Sentient Ruin Laboratories on May 21st, 2021.  On System I, Decoherence offer up eight tracks of ugly, harsh, and abrasive sounding black metal, sludge, and industrial.  Overall, System I makes for an awesome listen and definitely should not be missed.  Highly recommended!  Enjoy!

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Sentient Ruin Laboratories on Bandcamp

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