Axe Collector - Self Titled


FROM: San Diego, California
GENRE: Powerviolence, Hardcore, Punk
RELEASED: February 13, 2025

Necrospore - Self Titled


FROM: Saint Petersburg, Russia
GENRE: Grindcore, Death Metal, Hardcore
RELEASED: February 12, 2025

Kybalion // Ad Unum Omnes Split

FROM: Italy, Germany
GENRE: Blackened Crust, Black Metal, Doom, Blackgaze
RELEASED: February 14, 2025

Failing Vitals - Shrouded

FROM: Fullerton, California
GENRE: Noise, Grindcore, Black Metal
RELEASED: February 14, 2025

F.Emasculata - Bright Lights, Drilled Teeth


FROM: Cornwall, UK
GENRE: Hardcore Punk, Thrash, Fastcore
RELEASED: February 8, 2025

Wells Valley - Matter As Regent (10th Anniversary Edition)


FROM: Portugal
GENRE: Atmospheric Hardcore, Black Metal
RELEASED: February 7, 2025

New Band To Me: YARDS


Yards is another band I found via Spotify, and I love them so much. So that means that, yes, they are no longer around. Yards existed from 2012-2019 and it looks like life just caught up with them, one of the member moved to another country, some of them had kids, etc etc. Members were previously in Astrohenge, The Ghost Of A Thousand, Econo and Kowsers. But post-Yards, the only new music thing is a noise goth band from one of the members, called Cower. Yards is generally described as: negative hardcore, chaotic hardcore, noise, punk and just plain hardcore. And that sounds about right to me. Whatever you want to call it, they were really good at what they did. They managed to put out 4 releases, three EP's and one LP, all of which are generously available for free on Bandcamp (below). If you are not familiar with Yards, and if you are reading this blog, then I can confidently say you will probably like them.

Sacrosanta Decadencia Occidental - Danzas No Solpor Do Mundo


FROM: Spain
GENRE: Crust Punk, Grindcore, Metallic Hardcore
RELEASED: January 28, 2025

Leglock - Self Titled

FROM: Los Angeles, California
GENRE: Powerviolence, Hardcore
RELEASED: January 31, 2025

Unwell - Chasm (Spineless In Gaza)


Here's a new track from Chris Colohan's other thing, Unwell. This is a free download but any money from this song will be directed to the appropriate humanitarian relief agencies.  Some more about this track, in Chris' words, which are always more eloquent and to the point than mine: "If you’re still making excuses / exceptions for what this is and isn’t, then the blackmail no longer means very much. But I’d be glad to split hairs about what qualifies a gen0c1de once everyone’s back on their own side of a major geopolitical border. That is the plan, right?"

DAATP Lore - Q/A time with Kogi

After my post the other day, I got a comment from the legend Kogi. At first I was just going to answer it in the coment section, but my response kept getting longer and longer, so I thought it made sense just to post it all here. Maybe it will be interesting to a few others.

Thanks man, that means a lot. Hmmm, lore.... Well, i dunno if this counts as lore, but here we go. About 12 years ago, I was getting so burned out on the music I was hearing. I had always been in punk bands, and been into punk music, and garage punk and stuff like that, but I also really loved Slayer. Everybody I hung out with hated Slayer and I was the butt of many jokes. More and more, I started to hate listening to generic punk stuff, but I didn't know what I really liked or what I was really wanting. I didn't really know that this kind of hardcore even existed, to be honest. I tasked a good friend to help me find what I like, because I knew he liked heavier shit too. It took a long time, he would get close with some things, but there was usually something that I didn't like. I was craving some sort of mid-tempo Death n' Roll, I just didn't know it. The first thing he showed me that kind of blew me away was Entombed, specifically the Uprising LP. And I was like FUCK YES MORE OF THIS. Eventually I found Burning Love, it was almost perfect. Then CURSED. This was what I was looking for, this was what I was missing all those years. Blackened, Crusty, downtuned, Angry hardcore punk/metal that was neither punk nor metal. I can't tell you how many time I've listened to their first record. (The coolest thing about all of this might just be that I ended up becoming friends with their singer, Chris, who is the nicest fucking guy on the planet). After that I was ravenous and I started hunting down hardcore blogs and trying to find like-minded people. I found a few, but I had a creative itch, I always liked designing websites, and I wanted to just post the stuff I was really getting into, and nothing else. So, with blogs like The Elementary Revolt as a guide, I just started posting. At first it was stuff I liked and already knew about, but eventually I started realizing that there was a TON of this kind of music being put out every day on Bandcamp, so I started posting things I found from there. The rest is kind of a blur to be honest. At one point, Chris's blog Manic Compression got randomly nuked one day, and he graciously started posting on this blog. He was a machine and he really kept this place afloat for a few years while I was starting to get burned out. Eventually life happened and the posts died down. But throughout it all, the chat remained very active and Jerm managed to squeeze out a few posts here and there (I kid, Jerm). Now, hopefully I am back in the swing of things and I'm really enjoying the posts that I am making. I hope that you guys are too. And that's basically how this all came to be.

I do have one question for you guys. This is one we have all been asked by family or co-workers. The "What kind of music do you listen to" question. It's brutal. But what do you guys say? What even is this music really. I usually end up telling people "Death Metal", but the more I think about it, the more I realize it's not true at all. I don't consider most of the things on this blog to be "metal". And I am reluctant to just call it hardcore, because in most cases, that means Hardcore Punk, and that's really not my thing either. Crust is close but it just reminds me of crust punks I used to hang out with that had Discharge patches on their dirty clothes. To my ears, Blackened Hardcore sounds the closest. Even my wife who is very knowledgeable about cool music in general cannot answer my question, she says it can't be categorized. So maybe that's it. It just is what it is. Just wondering what your guys' thoughts are. Sorry for rambling

11-Plus Years & 5 Million Visits later...

"The song written the week that Jerry Falwell died. Couldn't resist the urge to kick that prick when he was down." - Chris Colohan on writing Dead Air At The Pulpit for Cursed

I don't really know how to begin this post, but let me just tell you that this little blog of ours got it's 5 Millionth view today (!) and I'm at a slight loss for words. Five million views may not mean much to some websites, but I could have never imagined that 1: we would even still be around all this time later, and 2: that we would even come close to approaching that many return visitors. I honestly can't believe we haven't been shut down by now by the almighty Blogger Gods. I kind of implemented a built-in failsafe for that, if you've noticed, I have tried to go back to the early ways and only post about new bands that offer their music for FREE on Bandcamp (Don't worry, the chat will always be the Wild Wild West of hardcore downloads, I love all you guys that are in there every day). I think this approach has saved us on more than one occasion, and I also feel like it's my way of helping out the little guy. There have been so many killer blogs that have inspired me, but are now sadly gone (Shout out to Elementary Revolt & Manic Compression, among many, many others), but throughout it all, we are still here. I thank them for their service and I hope we are still here for another decade or two, at least. Thanks for hanging out with me all these years and helping me find so many great bands. ~Adam

Rites - EINOR

FROM: Haifa, Israel
GENRE: Blackened Hardcore, Grind, Powerviolence
RELEASED: January 23, 2025
FFO: The Secret, Moral Void

Ariadne's Thread - Another Way To Get There

FROM: New Jersey
GENRE: Chaotic Hardcore, Mathcore
RELEASED: January 24, 2025

Hanga - Self Titled EP

GENRE: Crust Metal, Powerviolence, Noise/Grind
RELEASED: January 24, 2025

New Band To Me: JOY


Here we go with the next installment of bands that are new(ish) to me. I would assume a lot of you guys already know who JOY is, but I just heard them for the first time late last year after Spotify "suggested" them to me. Instead of giving me something I've heard a million times before, it actually gave me this fucking amazing band. Unfortunately they called it quits in April of 2022, which really sucks. But, they did leave us with 3 killer releases, see below. Anyway, Joy was a 4-piece hailing from Raleigh, North Carolina and began in 2015. Similar to other North Carolina bands like Funeral Chic and Young And In The Way, Joy produced a crushing, catchy, blackened brand of hardcore which is right up my alley. This is basically a perfect band for me sonically, I'm super bummed they aren't together anymore. Three of the four members did start a new band in 2023 called Natural End and they have a free EP up on Bandcamp (also below), but unfortunately it's just not for me. They are more of a typical 80's hardcore punk style, with none of the dark magic of JOY. Oh well. 

If anyone has any good recommendations or know of any other bands in the vein of Joy, let me know.