POST #1,000

Well shit. I find this hard to believe, but this is the 1,000th post on this blog. That's fucking crazy. I made my first post here on July 4th, 2013, which was 954 days ago. I'm really bad at math but even I can figure out that this means we've been averaging at least 1 post per day since then, which is something I'm super proud of. There's been a lot of people that have contributed to this blog over the years but I have to give a huge thanks to Chris, who basically rescued this blog after his own (Manic Compression) was shut down by the powers that be. Honestly, it came at a perfect time for me as I was getting a little burned out, and Chris has been posting like a motherfucking madman ever since. I'm not sure if this place would still be around today if he hadn't come on board. And recently, Jeremy has been absolutely crushing it with a lot of old school and nearly forgotten about bands. There's so much new hardcore coming out these days and it's really nice to see him remind us all of the old shit and just how good it still is. I know I still don't post as much as I used to, but having these 2 dudes here really makes it so much better. It seems the more people get involved, the more fun it is and lessens the chances of us getting burned out. That being said, if anyone reading this feels like they want to contribute, please feel free to reach out to me. The more the merrier. Lastly, I want to thank all the daily visitors to the blog and to all the people in the chat box for not being assholes. Chats can be the worst sometimes but I'm really glad ours has become a nice little place to post links or make requests. Thanks everyone ~ ADAM


Anonymous said...

Congratulations Adam! Stay on track.
Greetings from Günni / Ekranoplan (Germany)

Chris Morris said...

Dude, that's so sick. Thanks for having me along for the ride. Here's to the next 1000 posts!

Jerm said...

Right on man. Happy to be a part of it.

AOQD said...

This is one of my favorite blogs after Manic Compression died! I'm so grateful for your existence!

Davy Train said...

Congrats to you all. Amazing work, amazing music taste. I visit the 'Pulpit every day! Been a fan since the sad loss of Manic Compression. I've been turned on to so many great bands because of you lot. Keep up the hard work. One of the best blogs, no doubt about that. Thanks, - Davy from sunny England.

ADAM said...

Thanks for the kind words, Davy. Much appreciated!!

ADAM said...

Thanks Quan, it really means a lot!

Davy Train said...

Thank YOU Adam. I leave you with some great punk rock from Denmark: My gift to you for all the great music you have turned me on to.

Fleibor said...

Congrats pals. I've been checking and catching up lately with some serious amazing music right here. Thank you for your hard work, keep up the goodies!