Feral Spells-Skin And Teeth EP (2020)

Country: USA
Genre: Psychedelic, Experimental, No Wave, Art Rock

Label: Self-Released
Tracks: 5
Length: 19.10'

Feral Spells are a five piece musical project from Portland, Oregon who began making music in 2017, from the looks of things.  Feral Spells play a psychedelic and experimental style of no-wave/art rock.  Since forming in 2017, Feral Spells have released a ten song LP titled Comfort Food in September of 2017, a six song EP titled Geiger Counter in January of 2019, a twelve song LP titled Remedial Living in November of 2019, and a two song EP titled Don't Freak Out in March of 2020.  Skin And Teeth is the band's latest EP, which was released on April 10th, 2020.  On Skin And Teeth, Feral Spells offer up five tracks of weird psychedelic, experiemental no wave and art rock.  Overall, Skin And Teeth makes for a solid listen and is definitely worth checking out.  Enjoy!

(Band Submission)

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